Designer Quick Poll - FSC Logo


  1. The FSC logo appears with FSC certification information and number. I'd imagine, as with any other company logo/trademark, that FSC is the only company that can utilize the logo as a design element for promotion, opposed to just having it as a certification of the production of the print collateral piece.

  2. Is FSC acting in the best interests of the environment or in the best interests of their company? Seems to me that they are protecting their brand as much as they are the environment and that perhaps this isn't the altruistic company they make themselves out to be. My question is this, how much do they make annually off their certifications? My opinion is that FSC is all about making money and a name for themselves. Not about truly protecting the environment.

  3. Not sure how much they clear annually (or what their operating costs are either) but I know for a fact that commercial printers pay in the tens of thousand per YEAR per shop for the "privilege" to print anything with the FSC logo & Certification credentials. There has to be a better, more reasonable way to ensure responsible use & replacement of natural resources.
