Consumers Value Relevant Marketing Messages, Prefer Print

A recent survey by Chief Marketing Officer shows that consumers prefer print. Regardless of channel, for consumers, relevancy and individualization of the marketing message is what is valued. Key findings of the consumer engagement study highlighted in the report, Why Relevance Drives Response and Relationships: Using the Power of Precision Marketing to Better Engage Customers, shows:

•When given the opportunity to choose, 51% of consumers prefer to receive product or service promotions via traditional mail while 44% prefer email.
•Nine out of ten consumers open monthly bills delivered via traditional mail, compared to 72% who open bills delivered via email. For all types of mail received, print mail is opened and viewed more than electronic mail.

What types of mail do you always open?

Type of Mail
Traditional Mail

Monthly Bills

Bank Statements

Promotional Offers



News Alerts

"Junk Mail"

•Three-quarters (73%) of consumers say they would you opt in for more traditional mail vs. electronic statements if the government certified that mail had less environmental impact than electronic delivery.

•Consumers are inspired to do business with a retailer after receiving personalized offers -- 30% of respondents answered "yes" and 48% stated "sometimes."

•While 64% of consumers say promotional offers dominate both the email and traditional mail they receive, only 41% view these as must-read communications.

•Of the 91% of consumers who opt out or unsubscribe to emails, 46% do so because the messages are not relevant.

•Four out of ten (41%) say they would consider ending a brand relationship due to irrelevant promotions--whether print or email. An additional 22% say they would definitely defect from an offending brand.

“Irrelevant, impersonal communications, be it email or traditional mail, is a waste as it does not engage a receptive recipient,” said Liz Miller, Vice President, Programs and Operations, CMO Council. “It is no surprise that consumers are opting out of irrelevant emails. However, what is a grave sign for marketers to heed is that customers will disconnect and stop doing business with brands who continue to send messages that demonstrate a lack of intimacy, customer insight and individual understanding.”

1 comment:

  1. It is absolutely true that the consumers nowadays value relevant marketing strategies only so that you are able to connect to right set of customers and do not bother anyone who is not interested in your products and services. Well, we are quite happy with the results that are obtained with real estate text marketing. So if you are also and your business on then I will highly recommend you to try this technique.
