The Strathmore Show Spring Quarter 2009 winning entries are:

Gold: Blackedge Strategic Capital Letterhead designed by Briony Crane, BRANDFX, and printed by Nathen Printing on Strathmore Elements.

Silver: Dallas Show Invitation, designed by Rhonda Camp Warren, Color Box Design, for the Dallas Society of Visual Communications (DSVC), and printed by Color Box Letterpress on Strathmore Script.

Bronze: The Walt Disney Family Museum Letterhead. The letterhead was designed by Frank Kofsuske, Em Dash Design and Pentagram designed the logo, printed by One Heart Press on Strathmore Writing.
“The number and quality of entries into Strathmore Show continues to increase every quarter. Despite the economic downturn, there’s still a lot of great work being done out there. In fact, it has become very difficult for us to choose only three winners each quarter,” says Tracy Smith, Marketing Project Manger, Mohawk Fine Paper
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